The site offers a variety of quizzes and games designed to enhance students' algebraic calculation skills.
For equation solving, there are quizzes on quadratic equations, which allow students to practice solving methods based on the use of the discriminant, aligned with the A-level curriculum. For beginners, quizzes on single-variable equations and linear equations are also available, helping to consolidate the fundamentals learned in secondary school.
In differential and integral calculus, exponential and logarithmic functions, essential for A-level students, are covered through quizzes on derivative calculation. Finding function primitives, related to the A-level curriculum, is also included.
For algebra, complex numbers, often introduced at the A-level, can be explored through specific exercises. Inequalities with one variable, crucial in the GCSE curriculum, are also covered. Algebraic calculation allows practice in simplifying algebraic expressions, and vector calculation, including coordinates, norms, midpoints of segments, and scalar products, is also addressed.
In geometry, the famous Pythagorean theorem, fundamental for secondary school, is applied through a specific quiz. Numerical sequences, concepts deepened at the A-level, are also included to provide comprehensive preparation for students.
Statistics and probabilities are also covered with quizzes on statistical calculations, helping students practice calculating the mean and frequency, a key skill in the GCSE curriculum.
Finally, in theorems and properties, GCD calculation, crucial for divisibility concepts introduced in secondary school, helps students practice calculating the Greatest Common Divisor. Discriminant calculation of a polynomial, preparatory for solving quadratic equations, is also included.
Quiz on the calculation of the GCD (quiz)
Quiz solving first degree equations (quiz)
Quiz on vectors (quiz)
Quiz on complex numbers (quiz)
Quiz calculating the discriminant of a polynomial (quiz)
Quiz on numerical sequences (quiz)
Quiz on statistics (quiz)
Quiz on finding function antiderivatives (quiz)
Quiz on algebraic calculus (quiz)
Quiz on calculating with square roots (quiz)
Quiz derivative of logarithm function (quiz)
Quiz solving equations with one unknown (quiz)
Quiz number of solutions of the second degree equation (quiz)
Quiz solving inequalities with one unknown (quiz)
Quiz solving equations of the second degree (quiz)
Quiz derivative of the exponential function (quiz)
Quiz on the calculation of the derivative of a function (quiz)
Quiz on the Pythagorean theorem (quiz)