Countdown solver : This countdown solver allows finding a target number from a set of integer in using arithmetic operations.
Syntax :arithmetic_solver(target_number;number1;number2;number3;...;numberN), where target number is the target number to find and number1, number2, nombreN, numbers to use to find the target number.
Examples :This example shows how to use the calculator countdown numbers.
To find 39 with the numbers 4, 6, 1, 6, 5, enter :
arithmetic_solver(`39;4;6;1;6;5`), returns {4-1=3;6*6=36;36+3=39}
The countdown maths solver is able to find a solution to the countdown numbers game or its derivative games as mathador.
This countdown solver allows to find a solution to free game countdown numbers, ie, it provides the countdown solution. This solver is able to calculate a target number from the numbers placed in setting and using the four basic operations : addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. When the solver can find a countdown solution, it is returned, otherwise the countdown solution which is closest to the target number is returned.
For example, to find 221, with the numbers 25 5 12 9 and 11, enter: arithmetic_solver(`221;25;5;12;9;11`). The countdown maths solver will return a solution : {25-12=13;13+11=24;24*9=216;216+5=221}.
Mathador is a game inspired by the countdown numbers game, the arithmetic solver online is a mathador solver he is able to find solutions to mathador game.