Calculator that allows the calculation of the discriminant of a quadratic equation online.
To calculate the discriminant of the quadratic equation `x^2+x+1`, just enter: discriminant(x^2+x+1;x) which returns -3.
The discriminant of the quadratic equation following `ax^2+bx+c=0` is equal to `b^2-4ac`. The notation used for the discriminant is `Delta` (delta), so we have `Delta=b^2-4ac`.
The calculator has a feature which allows the calculation of the discriminant online of quadratic equations. To calculate the discriminant of the equation : `3x^2+4x+3=0`, enter discriminant(3*x^2+4*x+3=0;x), the calculator returns the result -20.
Calculate the discriminant of a polynomial allows to determine the number of root of quadratic equation :
To find les the roots of an equation, it is possible to use the equation solver.