The denominator function allows the calculation of the denominator of a fraction.
denominator(expression), where expression is an algebraic expression or a fraction.
A fraction is a number that is written as follows : `a/b` with a and b integers and b not zero. It's the quotient of a by b, that is to say : `a/b` = a:b. a is the numerator of the fraction and b is the denominator of the fraction. In other words, in a fraction, the numerator term is located above the stroke, the denominator is the end located below the stroke. The calculator with the denominator function used to find the denominator of a fraction or an expression with fractions.
The calculator is able to determine the denominator of a fraction : to find the fraction denominator of `4/5`, enter denominator(4/5), after calculus, the result `5` is returned.
The calculator also applies to fractions that contain letters : to pour calculate the fraction denominator of `a/b`, enter denominator(a/b) , after calculation, the result `b` is returned.
The denominator function is used on fractions but also to expressions containing fractions, after calculation, the simplified result is returned.
When the denominator function is applied to an algebraic expression, the expression is first converted to a fraction, then the denominator of the fraction obtained is returned. So to find the denominator of the following expression `4/5+3/7`, enter denominator(4/5+3/7), after calculation, he fraction obtained is `43/35`, then the function returns the denominator `35`.
The denominator function also applies to literal expressions.