LCM calculator to calculate the least common multiple (LCM).
lcm(a;b), a and b are integers.
lcm(15;25), returns 75
In arithmetic, the least common multiple (LCM) of two integers is the smallest strictly positive integer that is a multiple of these two numbers.
The LCM calculator can calculate online the smallest common multiple of two integers. To calculate the LCM of two integers a and b, the calculator uses the following formula : `lcm(a,b)= abs(a,b)/"gcd(a,b)"`. The steps for calculating the LCM are specified.
Thus, to calculate the lcm of the next two integers 150 and 350, simply enter lcm(150;350), the PPCM calculator returns the result as 1050.
One of the particularities of the LCM calculator is to indicate the different steps of the calculation that allow to find the result.