This percentage calculator converts fractions or numbers in percent.
A percentage is defined as a coefficient of proportionality expressed as a fraction whose denominator is the number 100. It is noted%, for example `25/100=25%`.
The online percentage calculator is able to convert mathematical expressions into percentages . It can convert fractions into percentages, or numbers into percentages.
To transform a fraction into a percentage, it is therefore necessary to express it in the form of an equivalent fraction whose denominator is 100.
The calculator is able to convert a fraction into a percentage. For example, to convert a percentage fraction like `1/4`, enter percentage(1/4).
To convert a decimal number as a percentage it must be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 100. The percentage calculator can do this type of calculation.
Thus, to express 0.25 as a percentage, simply enter the following expression: percentage(0.25).
To transform an integer as a percentage, it must be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Thus, to transform the number 2 into a percentage, enter percentage(2).
The site also offers a selection of games and exercises on percentages.