Here is the list of mathematical exercises on square and inverse functions. Each corrected exercise is accompanied by indications, reminders of the course, and methodological advice, which allows you to practice independently.
4 exercisesExercise example N°1505 :
Specify if the function `f:x->7-3*x^2` is even, odd, neither even nor odd.
square and inverse functions functions 10th Grade is_odd_or_even_function
The purpose of this corrected exercise is to determine the parity of a function (specify whether the function is even or odd).
Exercise example N°1506 :
With the help of the graphical representation of the function shown below in an orthogonal reference, indicate if the function is even, odd, neither even nor odd.
square and inverse functions functions 10th Grade is_odd_or_even_function
The purpose of this corrected exercise is to determine graphically the parity of a function (specify whether the function is even or odd).
Exercise example N°1507 :
To which type of curve corresponds the following plot ?
square and inverse functions functions 10th Grade
The aim of this corrected exercise is to recognize from their graphical representations the square and inverse functions.
Exercise example N°1508 :
The representative curve of the function f is given below. Find graphically one or more integer values of x on the interval [-5,5[ which verify the equation f(x)=1. You can use the red cursor to read the coordinates of the points.
solving equations square and inverse functions equations 10th Grade equation_solver
The purpose of this exercise is to solve graphically an equation.