The math exercises available online on factorization are aligned with the U.S. educational curriculum and cover various levels from 6th to 12th grade. Each exercise is carefully designed to improve students' skills in algebraic calculations by providing detailed solutions and methodological tips.

For example, one exercise proposes to factor the expression 12 + 4x, allowing 6th grade students to practice factorization using different calculation techniques. For 8th and 9th grade students, the exercises become more complex, such as factoring the expression x² - 20x or 9x² - 49, involving the use of notable identities. These exercises help students familiarize themselves with squares and differences of squares, key concepts for these levels.

Other exercises, intended for 8th and 9th grade students, combine factorization with the development and reduction of algebraic expressions. For example, one exercise requires developing and reducing the expression (8x + 4)² - (8x + 4)(7x - 5), then factoring it, and finally solving the equation (9 + x)(4 + 8x) = 0. These activities are particularly useful for preparing students for standardized tests, training them in factorization, development, simplification of algebraic expressions, and equation solving.

For 11th grade students, the factorization exercises may include polynomials of degree 3, such as in the exercise where P(x) = -4 + 8x + 3x² - x³. Students must calculate P(-2) and find the polynomial Q such that P(x) = (x + 2)Q(x), reinforcing their understanding of polynomials and their roots.

These exercises are aligned with the U.S. educational curriculum and aim to strengthen students' algebraic skills, guiding them step by step with detailed explanations and course reminders. This allows them to work independently and gain a thorough understanding of factorization concepts, essential for their academic progression.

6 exercises

Exercise example N°1240 :

Factor the following expression `12+4*x`.

algebraic calculus literal computation expansion of algebraic expressions factoring 7th Grade factor

This exercise allows to practice factoring an algebraic expression by using different techniques of algebraic calculation.

Exercise example N°1430 :

Factor the following expression `x^2-20*x`.

algebraic calculation and remarkable identities numbers and equations factoring algebraic calculus 9th Grade 10th Grade factor

The purpose of this corrected algebraic calculus exercise is to factor an algebraic expression that involves squares.

Exercise example N°1431 :

Factor the following expression `9*x^2-49`.

algebraic calculation and remarkable identities numbers and equations factoring algebraic calculus 9th Grade 10th Grade factor

The purpose of this exercise is to factor an algebraic expression using a remarkable identity of the form a² - b².

Exercise example N°1438 :

    Consider the expression `E=(8*x+4)^2-(8*x+4)*(7*x-5)`.
  1. Expand and reduce E.
  2. Factor E.
  3. Solve the equation `(9+x)*(4+8*x)=0`.

mathematics exams and competitions expansion of algebraic expressions solving equations and inequations of the first degree factoring equations 9th Grade 10th Grade expand_and_simplify

The purpose of this exercise is to practice factoring, expanding, simplifying algebraic expression and solving equation.

Exercise example N°1439 :

    Consider the expression `E=(2*x+10)^2-(2*x+10)*(5*x-4)`.
  1. Expand and reduce E.
  2. Factor E.
  3. Solve the equation `(14-3*x)*(10+2*x)=0`.

mathematics exams and competitions expansion of algebraic expressions solving equations and inequations of the first degree factoring equations 9th Grade 10th Grade expand_and_simplify

The purpose of this exercise is to practice factoring, expanding, simplifying algebraic expression and solving equation.

Exercise example N°1633 :

    P is the polynomial defined by P(x) =`-4+8*x+3*x^2-x^3`
  1. Compute P(-2)
  2. Find the polynomial Q such that for any real x, P(x)=(x+2)Q(x)

polynomial functions factoring algebraic calculus 11th Grade factor

The goal of this exercise of algebraic calculation is to factor a polynomial of degree 3 knowing one of its roots.