The math games and quizzes on this site offer various exercises to strengthen students' calculation skills in a fun way. The games include activities of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000, as well as decimal divisions, which correspond to the expectations of the English National Curriculum for primary and secondary students, particularly in the sections on mental arithmetic and number and operations.

The time conversion game involving days, hours, minutes, and seconds covers essential temporal concepts aligned with the math curriculum. The exercises on whole number divisions and divisibility rules help children understand fundamental concepts of divisibility and fractions, supporting the development of arithmetic skills as prescribed by the Department for Education.

The games on proportionality and percentage calculations enhance understanding of proportional relationships and percentages, subjects covered from Key Stage 2 onwards (Years 3-6). The games on the four operations provide students with opportunities to practice and master the basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) necessary for their academic progress.

Games involving fractions and percentage conversions are perfectly aligned with the math curriculum for primary and secondary school students, where manipulating fractions and percentages is a key objective. Additionally, exercises on comparing numbers and fractions, as well as magic squares, develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills, crucial competencies in the math curriculum.

The games on missing number equations and finding denominators train students to complete mathematical expressions and understand fractions, activities aligned with school programs aimed at reinforcing understanding of operations and relationships between numbers. By combining these diverse activities, children benefit from a comprehensive and varied approach to learning mathematics, making the learning process both stimulating and effective.

Proportionality game (division)

The goal of this proportionality game is to find the value that completes a proportionality table. The goal of this proportionality game is to find the value that completes a proportionality table.

Criteria divisibility game (division)

Online calculation game, which allows to train to recognize if a number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 25, 100. Online calculation game, which allows to train to recognize if a number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 25, 100.

The little math quiz (division)

The little math quiz collects a set of small fun math exercises to do online for 7-11 year olds. The little math quiz collects a set of small fun math exercises to do online for 7-11 year olds.

Calculation game percentages (division)

To succeed in this game on the calculation of the percentage of a whole number, kids must choose the good answer among a list of proposition. To succeed in this game on the calculation of the percentage of a whole number, kids must choose the good answer among a list of proposition.

Fraction to percentage transformation game (division)

In this game of transforming a whole fraction into a percentage, children must choose the correct answer from a list of suggestions. In this game of transforming a whole fraction into a percentage, children must choose the correct answer from a list of suggestions.

Find the denominator game (division)

In this fraction game, children must complete an equality involving a fraction by finding the missing denominator in a list. In this fraction game, children must complete an equality involving a fraction by finding the missing denominator in a list.

Number comparison game (division)

The goal of this integer comparison game is to find the operator (less than, greater than or equal to) to place between the numbers being compared. The goal of this integer comparison game is to find the operator (less than, greater than or equal to) to place between the numbers being compared.

Game multiplication by 10, 100, 1000 or 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 (division)

The goal of this quiz is to multiply a number by 10, 100, 1000 or 0.1, 0.01, 0.001. To win this game, you just have to find the right result in a list. The goal of this quiz is to multiply a number by 10, 100, 1000 or 0.1, 0.01, 0.001. To win this game, you just have to find the right result in a list.

Time conversion game (division)

This game allows you to practice making conversions on days, hours, minutes, seconds (d, h, min, s). This game allows you to practice making conversions on days, hours, minutes, seconds (d, h, min, s).

Magic square game (division)

The goal of the game is to complete a magic square that has empty areas. The goal of the game is to complete a magic square that has empty areas.

Four operations game (division)

This online game of mental calculation, allows to revise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, It helps students in learning arithmetic operations. This online game of mental calculation, allows to revise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, It helps students in learning arithmetic operations.

Countdown game (division)

The goal of the countdown maths game is to find a target number using arithmetic operations from a list of given numbers. The goal of the countdown maths game is to find a target number using arithmetic operations from a list of given numbers.

Missing operator game (division)

Online calculation game consisting of finding the missing operator in a mathematical expression. Online calculation game consisting of finding the missing operator in a mathematical expression.

Missing number game (division)

Online calculation game: You must find the missing number in a mathematical expression. Online calculation game: You must find the missing number in a mathematical expression.

Division game (division)

Online game of calculation, which allows practicing integer division. Online game of calculation, which allows practicing integer division.

Fraction comparison game (division)

The purpose of this integer fraction comparison game is to find the operator (> or <) to place between the fractions being compared. The purpose of this integer fraction comparison game is to find the operator (> or <) to place between the fractions being compared.

Fraction game (division)

Online fraction game suitable for anyone looking for a good math game online. Online fraction game suitable for anyone looking for a good math game online.

Duration calculation game (division)

This game on time calculations allows to practice manipulating durations expressed in days, hours, minutes, seconds (d, h, min, s). This game on time calculations allows to practice manipulating durations expressed in days, hours, minutes, seconds (d, h, min, s).