The calculator returns a speed in km/h from a distance and a duration, or from a pace (duration necessary to cover 1 kilometer).
average_speed(h:min:s;d) h represents hours, min minutes, s seconds, d distance in meters, by default the distance is equal to 1000 m.
The speed calculator allows to obtain from a distance expressed in meters and a duration expressed in hours, minutes, seconds, a speed in kilometers per hour. The calculator also allows you to convert a pace into speed.
The speed is the distance covered in a given time. The speed calculator allows you to obtain the speed in km/h from a duration in h:min:s format and a distance expressed in meters.
For example, to calculate the average speed of a 13200m run in 1h 12min 45s, you must enter average_speed(01:12:45;13200).
The pace is the time, expressed in seconds and minutes, taken to cover one kilometer. The speed calculator is able to convert a pace expressed in minutes and seconds (min and s) into a speed expressed in kilometers per hour (km/h).
The use of the pace to speed converter is very simple, you just have to enter the time expressed in minutes and seconds to obtain the corresponding speed expressed in km/h. For example, to convert 5 min and 15 seconds into km/h, you just have to enter 00:05:15 and the calculator will return the corresponding speed
t (h:min:s) | v (km/h) |
00:03:00 | 20 |
00:04:00 | 15 |
00:05:00 | 12 |
00:05:30 | 10,9 |
00:06:00 | 10 |
00:06:30 | 9,2 |
00:07:00 | 8,6 |
00:07:30 | 8 |
00:08:00 | 7,5 |
00:08:30 | 7,1 |
00:09:00 | 6,7 |
00:09:30 | 6,3 |