Time calculator that allows you to make hourly calculations and time conversions using the h:min:s (hours, minutes, seconds) format.
The time calculator allows you to make additions, subtractions and conversions on hours or durations expressed in seconds, minutes, hours.
The duration calculator allows you to add hours or durations in h:min:s format. For example, to add 2 hours with 14 minutes, enter hours_calculator(2:00:00+00:14:00).
The duration calculator allows you to subtract hours or durations in the format h:min:s. To subtract 2h 13min 5s from 47min , you have to enter hours_calculator(2:13:05-00:47:00).
The time calculator automatically converts time into hours, minutes and seconds. For example, to convert 5h into minutes and seconds, you have to enter hours_calculator(5:00:00).