Pace calculator from a speed in km/h, the pace is the time to cover a distance, usually expressed in min/km or min/mile.
speed_to_pace(speed) speed is the average speed expressed in km/h that you wish to convert into a pace.
The pace is the time taken to cover a distance, generally expressed in minutes per kilometer (min/km) or minutes per mile (min/mi).
The pace can be obtained from a speed in km/h, it will be returned in the format h:min:s.
For example, to find out what a speed of 12 km/h corresponds to, you must enter speed_to_pace(12).
The following table allows you to establish equivalences between speeds (km/h) and paces (min/km and min/mi).
v (km/h) | (h:min:s)/km | (h:min:s)/mi |
5 | 00:12:00 | 00:19:19 |
6 | 00:10:00 | 00:16:06 |
7 | 00:08:34 | 00:13:48 |
8 | 00:07:30 | 00:12:04 |
9 | 00:06:40 | 00:10:44 |
10 | 00:06:00 | 00:09:39 |
11 | 00:05:27 | 00:08:47 |
12 | 00:05:00 | 00:08:03 |
13 | 00:04:37 | 00:07:26 |
14 | 00:04:17 | 00:06:54 |
15 | 00:04:00 | 00:06:26 |
16 | 00:03:45 | 00:06:02 |
17 | 00:03:32 | 00:05:41 |
18 | 00:03:20 | 00:05:22 |
19 | 00:03:09 | 00:05:05 |
20 | 00:03:00 | 00:04:50 |
To obtain the pace from a time and a distance, we start by calculating the speed. Knowing the speed, we can calculate the pace using the converter.
For example, to calculate the pace corresponding to a distance of 1500m in 7 minutes, you can calculate the speed by entering average_speed(00:07:00;1500), you obtain a speed of 12.86 km/h, you can now convert this speed into a pace, by entering speed_to_pace(12.86).