Cube root : The cube_root function calculates online the cube root of a number.
Syntax :cube_root(x), x is a number.
Examples :cube_root(`27`), returns 3
To differentiate function cube root online, it is possible to use the derivative calculator which allows the calculation of the derivative of the cube root function
The derivative of cube_root(x) is derivative(`"cube_root"(x)`)=`1/(3*("cube_root"(x))^2)`
Antiderivative calculator allows to calculate an antiderivative of cube root function.
An antiderivative of cube_root(x) is antiderivative(`"cube_root"(x)`)=`3/4*(x)^(4/3)`
The limit calculator allows the calculation of limits of the cube root function.
The limit of cube_root(x) is limit(`"cube_root"(x)`)
The graphing calculator is able to plot cube root function in its definition interval.
The cube root of a real number x, is a number cubed equals x.
The function allows the online calculation of the cube root of a number.
For example, to calculate the cube root of the number 27, you must enter cube_root(`27`), after calculating the result `3` is returned.
For example, to perform the calculation of the cube root online of the number 8, enter cube_root(`8`), after calculating the value 2 is returned.
The cube root function to determine the cube root of a number, here are some examples of special cubic roots given by the online calculator.
The derivative of the cube root is equal to `1/(3*("cube_root"(x))^2)`=`1/(3*(root(3)(x))^2)`.
The antiderivative of the cube root is equal to `3/4*(x)^(4/3)=3/4*(root(3)(x))^4`.