These corrected math exercises online are designed to help students in 7th grade practice and master calculations with whole numbers and decimals. They cover a variety of arithmetic operations, ranging from multiplication and addition of whole numbers to adding fractions with whole numbers, and simplifying fractions and verifying equations.

For example, one exercise asks students to calculate the result of an expression composed of multiplication and addition of numbers, allowing them to practice multiplying and adding. Another exercise asks students to calculate the result of adding a whole number and a fraction, allowing them to practice adding fractions and whole numbers. Simplifying fractions is also covered in an exercise where students must determine the result of an addition involving a fraction, helping them understand how to simplify a fraction after calculating its denominator.

Other exercises focus on simplifying complex fractions, such as determining the result of the multiplication of two fractions. Some exercises use expressions written in natural language, such as asking for the result of a simple addition, allowing students to translate statements into arithmetic expressions.

The exercises also include operations with fractions and arithmetic expressions involving additions and subtractions, respecting the order of operations. Additionally, some exercises invite students to complete equations or verify the correctness of an equation, introducing them to solving equations.

Exercises on negative numbers, such as adding negative numbers or completing expressions involving negative numbers, help students become familiar with operations involving these numbers. Finally, one exercise asks students to calculate the result of an expression composed of additions and subtractions of negative numbers, giving students the opportunity to practice chaining a series of such operations.

These exercises, in line with the 7th grade curriculum in the United States, offer students various practical opportunities to strengthen their calculation skills, while preparing them for the more advanced concepts they will encounter in the following school years.

12 exercises

Exercise example N°1211 :

What is the result of `87*34+7027`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade calculator

The goal of this whole number math exercise is to practice multiplying and adding them.

Exercise example N°1212 :

What is the result of `14+1040/80`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade fraction

The objective of this corrected calculus exercise is to add a fraction with a whole number.

Exercise example N°1213 :

What is the result of `3768/(91+66)`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade fraction

The objective of this corrected math exercise is to simplify a fraction after calculating its denominator.

Exercise example N°1214 :

What is the result of `96/(32/4)`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade fraction

The objective of this math exercise is to simplify a fraction that has a fraction as the denominator.

Exercise example N°1215 :

What is the result of 5 plus 4 plus 2.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade

The objective of this corrected math exercise is to calculate a written expression in natural language.

Exercise example N°1217 :

What is the result of the following fraction product: `(24/2)*(14/3)`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade fraction

This exercise allows you to apply the techniques of simplification of fractions to calculate the product of two fractions.

Exercise example N°1223 :

What is the result of `(6-4)+(9+6)+(3-10)`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade calculator

The purpose of this exercise is to calculate an arithmetic expression composed of addition and subtraction, taking into account the priorities of the operations.

Exercise example N°1225 :

What is the missing number in the following expression `27/?`=3.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade

The purpose of this corrected math exercise is to find the denominator of a fraction from an equality.

Exercise example N°1226 :

Is the following equality 4+x-5 = 2 true for x = 2?

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade

The purpose of this exercise is to verify an equality, the goal being to learn about equation solving.

Exercise example N°1236 :

What is the result of `8+(-10)`?

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade evaluate

The purpose of this number math exercise is to practice adding relative numbers.

Exercise example N°1237 :

What is the missing number in the following expression: `2+...=-4`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers introduction to equation solving equations 7th Grade

The purpose of this corrected math exercise is to complete an equality that involves relative numbers.

Exercise example N°1238 :

What is the result of `10+6+4-6-7-5`.

operations on integers and decimals Numbers 7th Grade evaluate

The purpose of this math exercise is to string together a series of additions and subtractions of relative numbers.

The operations on integers and decimals topic is available for : 7th Grade