The online exercises on solving inequalities and linear equations are essential tools for students at different levels within the English educational system. These exercises, carefully designed to encourage independent practice, are enriched with guidelines, course reminders, and methodological advice.

Students in Year 9 can, for instance, practice solving first-order inequalities by determining for which value of x the expression 7 ⋅ x + 6 > -6 is true. Another exercise at this level involves solving a system of two equations with two unknowns, a fundamental exercise for mastering linear equations and linear systems.

Students preparing for the GCSE exams can become familiar with expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions, factorization, and solving equations. For example, expanding and simplifying an expression such as E = (8 ⋅ x + 4)2 - (8 ⋅ x + 4) ⋅ (7 ⋅ x - 5) or solving an equation like (9 + x) ⋅ (4 + 8 ⋅ x) = 0. These exercises help students consolidate their understanding of remarkable identities and fundamental algebraic concepts.

Finally, an exercise involving translating a real-world problem into an equation, such as determining how many years it will take for Steve's age to be twice that of Tom, helps students develop their skills in translating real-world situations into mathematical equations and solving them. Perfectly aligned with the English school curriculum, these exercises prepare students for the demands of examinations and provide them with the necessary skills for their academic progression.

5 exercises

Exercise example N°1422 :

For what value of x, is the following expression `7*x+6">-"6` true?

solving equations and inequations of the first degree 9th Grade inequality_solver

The objective of this corrected math exercise is to solve a first order inequation.

Exercise example N°1423 :

Solve the following system:

`-x-2*y = 3`

`3*x = -2`

solving equations and inequations of the first degree equations of lines and linear systems equations 9th Grade 10th Grade solve_equations

The objective of this corrected math exercise is to solve a system of two equations with two unknowns.

Exercise example N°1438 :

    Consider the expression `E=(8*x+4)^2-(8*x+4)*(7*x-5)`.
  1. Expand and reduce E.
  2. Factor E.
  3. Solve the equation `(9+x)*(4+8*x)=0`.

mathematics exams and competitions expansion of algebraic expressions solving equations and inequations of the first degree factoring equations 9th Grade 10th Grade expand_and_simplify

The purpose of this exercise is to practice factoring, expanding, simplifying algebraic expression and solving equation.

Exercise example N°1439 :

    Consider the expression `E=(2*x+10)^2-(2*x+10)*(5*x-4)`.
  1. Expand and reduce E.
  2. Factor E.
  3. Solve the equation `(14-3*x)*(10+2*x)=0`.

mathematics exams and competitions expansion of algebraic expressions solving equations and inequations of the first degree factoring equations 9th Grade 10th Grade expand_and_simplify

The purpose of this exercise is to practice factoring, expanding, simplifying algebraic expression and solving equation.

Exercise example N°1440 :

Today Tom is 15 years old and Steve is 37 years old. In how many years the age of Steve will be double that of Tom?

mathematics exams and competitions solving equations and inequations of the first degree equations 9th Grade equation_solver

The objective of this exercise is to equate a problem in order to solve it.

The solving equations and inequations of the first degree topic is available for : 9th Grade