The online exercises on complex numbers are designed to enhance the skills of high school students in mathematics, in accordance with the U.S. school curriculum. These exercises cover various techniques and fundamental concepts related to complex numbers, offering a comprehensive and practical approach to this key topic.

Exercises No. 1701 to No. 1703 introduce the basic notions of complex numbers, such as writing in algebraic form and calculating the real and imaginary parts. Exercise No. 1701 asks students to write a complex number in its algebraic form (z=a+ib), which is essential for understanding the representation of these numbers. Exercises No. 1702 and No. 1703 focus on calculating the real part and the imaginary part of a complex number, fundamental skills for manipulating and understanding these numbers.

Exercise No. 1704 deals with calculating the conjugate of a complex number, an important technique for simplifying complex expressions and solving equations. This exercise allows students to implement specific calculation techniques for complex numbers.

Exercises No. 1705 and No. 1706 deal with arithmetic operations involving complex numbers. For example, Exercise No. 1705 asks students to calculate the product of two complex numbers, thus reinforcing their understanding of fundamental operations. Exercise No. 1706 aims to find the imaginary part of a complex number from its algebraic form, consolidating previously acquired skills.

Exercise No. 1707 focuses on the real part of a complex number, while Exercise No. 1708 introduces the graphical representation of complex numbers in the complex plane. These exercises enable high school students to visualize complex numbers and understand their place in the complex plane, a key skill for mastering this topic.

These online exercises, aligned with the U.S. high school curriculum, offer students a valuable opportunity to practice and master complex numbers. They cover a wide range of concepts and techniques, helping students develop a deep and practical understanding of complex numbers.

8 exercises

Exercise example N°1701 :

Write in algebraic form the complex number Z = `(-4-5*i)/(2+3*i)`

complex numbers 12th Grade complex_number

The goal of this corrected exercise is to write a complex number in its algebraic form z=a+ib.

Exercise example N°1702 :

Compute the real part of the complex number Z = `(2-4*i)/(1+2*i)`

complex numbers 12th Grade real_part

To succeed in this exercise, you must know how to determine the real part of a complex expression.

Exercise example N°1703 :

Calculate the imaginary part of the complex number Z = `(1-3*i)/(5+i)`

complex numbers 12th Grade imaginary_part

The purpose of this exercise is to determine with the help of calculation, the imaginary part of a complex number.

Exercise example N°1704 :

Compute the conjugate of the complex number Z = `(5-2*i)/(1+i)`

complex numbers 12th Grade complex_conjugate

This exercise allows to implement the techniques of calculation of the conjugate of a complex number.

Exercise example N°1705 :

z = `-3+2i`
z' = `5-4i`
Compute `z*z'`.

complex numbers 12th Grade complex_number

The purpose of this exercise is to find the result of arithmetic operations (sum, difference, product) that involve complex numbers.

Exercise example N°1706 :

Compute the imaginary part of the complex number, Z = `-3+2*i`

complex numbers 12th Grade imaginary_part

The objective of this exercise is to find the imaginary part of a complex number from its algebraic form.

Exercise example N°1707 :

Compute the real part of the complex number, Z = `-5+7*i`

complex numbers 12th Grade real_part

The objective of this exercise is to find the real part of a complex number from its algebraic form.

Exercise example N°1708 :

Represent in the complex plane, the point of affix `4+5i`.

complex numbers 12th Grade

The purpose of this graphing exercise is to place in the plane the affix of a complex number.